Other Priests
Priests from religious communities/other dioceses serving as pastors, associate pastors or administrators:
Aguirre-Garza, Rev. Jesus, OFM
Associate Pastor, St. Patrick, Indianapolis
950 Prospect Street, Indianapolis, IN 46203
Ordained July 6, 1996
Bamman, Rev. John, OFM Conv
Pastor, St. Anthony of Padua, Clarksville
316 N. Sherwood Avenue, Clarksville, IN 47129
Ordained November 30, 2009
Bandari, Rev. Jayaraju, HGN
Associate pastor, St. Luke the Evangelist, Indianapolis
7575 Holliday Drive E., Indianapolis, IN 46260
Ordained August 21, 2012
Barker, Rev. John, OFM
Pastor, Holy Family
3027 Pearl Street, PO Box 98,
Oldenburg, IN 47036
Ordained August 23, 2024
Brinez, Rev. Jose Aragon, CMM
Pastor, Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception
311 N. New Jersey Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Ordained December 14, 2019
Dula, Rev. Elmer, RCJ
Administrator, St. Patrick and St. Margaret Mary, Terre Haute
1807 Poplar Street, Terre Haute, IN 47803
Ordained August 1, 2009
Duong, Rev. Minh Quang
Associate Pastor and chaplain to the Vietnamese Catholic Community, St. Joseph, Indianapolis
1401 South Mickley Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46241
Ordained March 4, 2005, for the Quinhon Diocese, Vietnam
Edward, Rev. Suresh
Administrator, Annunciation, Brazil, and St. Paul, Greencastle
19 N Alabama Street, Brazil, IN 47834
Ordained May 4, 2016, for the Diocese of Palayamkottai, India
Eranimus, Rev. Cyprian
Administrator, St. Gabriel the Archangel, Indianapolis
6000 W 34th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46224
Ordained May 7, 2001, for the Diocese of Quilon, India
Fassero, Rev. Jonathan, OSB
Associate Director of Spiritual Formation, Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary
2500 Cold Spring Road., Indianapolis, IN 46222
Ordained April 30, 1978
Ganta, Rev. Suresh, HGN
Associate Pastor, St. Louis, Batesville
13 St. Louis Place, Batesville, IN 47006
Ordained April 20, 2012
Gnanaraj, Very Rev. Sengole Thomas, VF
Administrator, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Richmond
Dean, Connersville deanery
240 S. 6th Street, Richmond, IN 47374-5418
Ordained April 15, 2007 for the Diocese of Palayamkottai, India
Hyde, Very Rev. Patrick, OP, VF
Pastor, St. Paul Catholic Center
Sacramental Minister, St. Agnes, Nashville
1413 E. 17th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408
Ordained May 14, 2016
Keller, Rev. Benjamin, OP
Associate Pastor, St. Paul Catholic Center
1413 E. 17th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408-1602
Ordained May 22, 2021
Kim, Rev. Byungjo (Peter)
Chaplain to the Korean Community, St. Lawrence, Indianapolis
7536 E. 46th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226
Ordained December 29, 2010, for the Diocese of Busan, South Korea
Latina, Rev. Tommy, RCJ
Associate Pastor, St. Patrick and St. Margaret Mary, Terre Haute
1807 Poplar Street, Terre Haute, IN 47803
Ordained December 20, 2014
Mang, Rev. Hau Hawm (John)
Associate Pastor, St. Mark the Evangelist
535 E Edgewood Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227
Ordained June 29, 2010 for the Diocese of Kalay, Myanmar
Martinez-Ruteaga, Rev. Rogelio, OFM
Pastor, St. Patrick, Indianapolis
950 Prospect Street, Indianapolis, IN 46203
Ordained August 15, 2003
Mathew, Rev. Binu
Administrator, St. John the Baptist, Osgood; Immaculate Conception, Millhousen; St. Maurice, Napoleon
331 S. Buckeye Street, Osgood, IN 47037
Ordained May 4, 1998, for the Archdiocese of Imphal, India
Mervil, Rev. Ronald
Associate Pastor, St. John Paul II, Sellersburg
2253 West St. Joe Road, Sellersburg, IN 47172
Ordained August 26, 2007 for the Archdiocese of Cap-Haitian, Haiti
Michalski, Rev. Simon Felix, OP
Associate Pastor, St. Paul Catholic Center
1413 E. 17th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408-1602
Ordained May 11, 2008
Nallukunnel, Rev. Antony, OFM Conv.
Associate Pastor, St. Joseph University
113 S. Fifth Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807
Ordained December 31, 1998
Pasche, Rev. Fred, OFM Conv
Sacramental assistance, St. Joseph University and St. Benedict, Terre Haute
118 South 9th Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807
Ordained February 22, 1964
Peter, Rev. Jegan
Administrator, St. Vincent de Paul, Bedford, and St. Mary, Mitchell
1723 "I" Street, Bedford, IN 47421-4221
Ordained June 21, 2009 for the Diocese of Palayamkottai, India
Pham, Rev. Ducanh, OFM
Pastor, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Indianapolis
1530 Union Street, Indianapolis, IN 46225-1697
Ordained May 5, 2012
Pierre, Rev. Msgr. Jean
Associate Pastor, St. Lawrence, Indianapolis
6944 E. 46th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226
Ordained May 21, 1988, for the Archdiocese of Miami, Florida
Puthumaisavari, Rev. Michaelprakasam
Administrator, St. Anne, New Castle, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Cambridge City
102 N. 19th Street, New Castle, IN 47362
Ordained October 18, 2020, for the Diocese of Palayamkottai, India
Puthussery, Very Rev. Joby Abraham, VF
Administrator, Sacred Heart, Clinton, and St. Joseph, Rockville
Dean, Terre Haute deanery
610 S 6th Street, Clinton, IN 47842-2016
Ordained April 21, 1999, for the Archdiocese of Imphal, India
Remski, Rev. Howard, FSSP
Administrator, SS. Philomenia and Cecilia Oratory, Brookville
16194 St. Mary's Road, Brookville, IN 47012
Ordained May 20, 2000
Rivas, Rev. Oscar Ivan
Associate Pastor, Holy Spirit, Indianapolis
7243 E. 10th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219
Ordained July 15, 2015, for the Archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico
Sahayam, Rev. Jude Meril Christopher
Administrator, St. Thomas More, Mooresville, and St. Ann, Indianapolis
1200 N. Indiana Street, Mooresville, IN 46158
Ordained May 29, 2016, for the Diocese of Palayamkottai, India
Sengolraj, Rev. Jeyaseelan
Administrator, St. Michael, Charlestown, and St. Francis Xavier, Henryville
101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, IN 47111
Ordained May 10, 2008, for the Archdiocese of Delhi, India
Showers, Rev. Robert, OFM Conv
Pastor, St. Benedict and St. Joseph University, Terre Haute
111 S. Ninth Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807
Ordained June 29, 1990
Shwe, Rev. Hla (Luigi)
Associate Pastor, St. Pius X, Indianapolis
7200 Sarto Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46240
Ordained November 25, 2007, for the Diocese of Loikaw, Myanmar
St. Martin, Rev. Robert, OFM Conv
Associate Pastor, St. Benedict, Terre Haute
111 S. Ninth Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807
Ordained June 4, 1977
Stein, Rev. Eugene John (EJ), OFM
Associate Pastor, Holy Family, Oldenburg
PO BOX 98, Oldenburg, IN 47036
Ordained June 8, 1985
Thang, Rev. Eustace
Associate Pastor, St. Barnabas, Indianapolis
8300 Rahke Road, Indianapolis, IN 46217-4999
Ordained March 8, 2015
Thirumalareddy, Rev. Showreddy
Administrator Pro Tem, St. Barnabas
8300 Rahke Road, Indianapolis, IN 46217
Ordained April 7, 1997
Uline, Rev. Cyprian, OFM Conv.
Associate Pastor, St. Joseph University
113 S. Fifth Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807
Ordained November 29, 1970
Valabazzi, Rev. Ashok, HGN
Associate Pastor, St. Bartholomew, Columbus
1306 27th Street, Columbus, IN 47201
Ordained April 19, 2012
Vinson, Rev. Anthony, OSB
Administrator, St. Meinrad, St. Meinrad, and St. Boniface, Fulda
19630 N. 4th Street, P.O. Box 8, St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Ordained June 5, 2005
Waugh, Rev. Luke, OSB
Priest In Solidum and Moderator, St. Isidore the Farmer, Perry County; St. Augustine, Leopold; Holy Cross, St. Croix
6501 St. Isidore Road, Bristow, IN 47515-9508
Ordained June 7, 2015
West, Rev. Joseph, OFM Conv
Pastor, St. Mary, Navilleton, and St. John the Baptist, Starlight
7500 Navilleton Road, Floyds Knobs, In 47119
Ordained October 23, 1992
Wolford, Rev. Reginald, OP
Associate Pastor, St. Paul Catholic Center
1413 E. 17th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408-1602
Ordained October 1, 2016
Yohannan, Rev. Santhosh
Administrator, American Martyrs, Scottsburg and St. Patrick, Salem
270 S. Bond Street, Scottsburg, IN 47170
Ordained December 28, 1996, for the Diocese of Quilon, India