July 26, 2024

From the worst pick-up lines to the best relationship ever

During his presentation to hundreds of teenagers at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis on July 18, Paul Kim used some of his worst pick-up lines to lead youths to a closer relationship with Christ. (Photo by John Shaughnessy)

During his presentation to hundreds of teenagers at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis on July 18, Paul Kim used some of his worst pick-up lines to lead youths to a closer relationship with Christ. (Photo by John Shaughnessy)

By John Shaughnessy

The teenagers roared with laughter as Paul Kim shared some of the worst pick-up lines that he used as a youth—ones that he cautioned the boys in the audience to never use unless they wanted “to be single for a long time as I was.”

“Pickup line number one,” he said as he smiled at the youths in a packed hall of the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis on July 18 during the National Eucharistic Congress. “Hi, I was reading the Bible and the Book of Numbers, and I couldn’t find your number, can I have it?”

As the crowd laughed, Kim continued, “We’re Catholics. You want to pray the rosary together? I want to be your joyful mystery for the next five decades.”

The crowd hooted and Kim shared one more, “Let me introduce myself. My name’s Peace. Can I be with you?”

“Like I said, you’re going to stay single for a long time, bro,” he beamed.

Now married and the father of six children, Kim has also seen his life change in dramatic ways concerning his Catholic faith.

In his younger years, he rebelled against his parents and the teachings of Christ, focusing on a life marked by seeking pleasure. Now, he follows a path that has taken him to all 50 states, helping people find a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

“I talk a lot to people on the plane when I’m traveling,” he said. “We’ll get to talking and they’ll say, ‘I was Catholic. But I’m no longer. Since I’ve progressed to a higher state of being, I don’t need organized religion in my life.’ And I go, ‘Oh, we’re very disorganized, you can come back. You’re welcome every time.’ ”

As the crowd laughed again, Kim turned serious, noting there are a lot of reasons people have left religion, “but it all boils down to one reason: They never knew who Jesus was. They knew things about Jesus, but they didn’t know Jesus in their heart.”

Then he challenged the youths, “Do you know things about Jesus, or do you actually know Jesus? Because there really is a difference.”

Kim shared that he began to develop a relationship with Jesus through the influence of the Blessed Mother when he started praying the rosary.

“She has this powerful influence. It’s very simple and humble, but she always leads us closer to Christ,” Kim said. “In my own life, weird things started happening. I remember I was praying outside by myself, outside my college dorm. I started smelling roses out of nowhere. There was no rose bush, there was no cute girl with rose hair conditioner. I did not do drugs. And it dawned on me, ‘Roses, rosary. The mother of God likes roses. She’s here.’ I’m like, ‘I’m a bad Catholic. Why are you visiting me?’

“She didn’t say anything, but without saying anything, this was the message, ‘My son is real. My son Jesus Christ is real. Everything he has accomplished for you is real. Continue on this path.’

“I started praying. And honestly, the mother of God led me straight to Christ.”

Then Kim shared the message he hopes will stay with the youths.

“It turns out, brothers and sisters, that we all are hardwired for a relationship with Jesus Christ,” he said.

“Even if you are successful, even if you are handsome and beautiful, even if you have all the followers in the world, you will still be empty and not know why unless you have a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church he found.” †


(See all of our coverage of the National Eucharistic Congress at www.archindy.org/congress.)

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