June 21, 2024

Service opportunities during National Eucharistic Congress help ‘serve the face of Jesus Christ in the poor’

National Eucharistic Congress logoBy Natalie Hoefer

In his Feb. 24, 1980, apostolic letter “Dominicae Cenae” (“The Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist”), St. John Paul II noted that, “If our eucharistic worship is authentic, it must make us grow in awareness of the dignity of each person” (#6).

In light of this connection between Christ in the Eucharist and the call for human dignity, National Eucharistic Congress participants will have two unique service opportunities on July 18 and 19, days two and three of the July 17-21 event in Indianapolis. (Related article: Creating care packages—and encounters)

One opportunity invites Congress attendees to participate in packaging 420,000 meals through Million Meals Movement, an Indiana-based organization that provides volunteer-packed meals to food banks and food pantries throughout the state.

From noon-6 p.m. on July 18 and 19, individuals and families can stop by the Million Meals Movement area in the Indiana Convention Center exhibit hall to join in assembly lines making macaroni and cheese packaged meals and rice casserole packaged meals.

“We were thrilled when we got the call from the National Eucharistic Congress [team] saying they wanted to partner with us,” says Molly Adams, sales account executive for the organization.

“This project will make a huge impact for the state and for those attending the Congress. It’s a very fulfilling opportunity that gives people a hands-on experience that will benefit others.”

The second service opportunity will bring participants into a personal encounter with the homeless in downtown Indianapolis.

Twice each day on July 18 and 19, staff and missionaries of Christ in the City will train and lead small groups of three to five people “to encounter the chronically homeless—homeless people on the street corners,” says Blake Brouillette, managing director of the Colorado-based ministry. “We’ll engage with them in conversation, hearing their stories, giving them a care package, just having a moment of encounter with the poor.

“The same face of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist is same face of Jesus Christ in the poor. We’re providing an opportunity to serve the face of Christ as [Congress attendees] are at a place where they’re adoring and praising the face of Christ in the Eucharist.”

Those interested in participating in this opportunity can stop by the Christ in the City booth in the Indiana Convention Center exhibit hall during the National Eucharistic Congress to sign up. Space is limited, with 15 slots available for each of the four outings. Outings will take place around noon and again in the late afternoon on July 18 and 19. Participants must be age 18 or older.

The care packages to be given to the homeless will be provided by archdiocesan parishes and groups that participated in a pre-Congress service opportunity to create the packages.

(For a list of all NEC Updates printed in The Criterion, go to www.archindy.org/criterion/local/congress.html.)

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