January 19, 2024

Young adult conference gives Archbishop Thompson a feeling of ‘hope and joy’

Criterion staff report

For Archbishop Charles C. Thompson, the feeling was one of “hope and joy” as he witnessed more than 20,000 young adult Catholics from across the country living their faith at the SEEK 2024 conference in St. Louis.

The conference from Jan. 1-5 is also a reminder to all Catholics about the call to be missionary disciples of Christ, a call that comes into even sharper focus in a year that will also feature the National Eucharistic Revival and National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis on July 17-21. (Related story: Young adults: A powerful way to start the new year—and the hopes and the challenges ahead for them)

“Participating in SEEK 2024 was an inspiring and energizing experience,” Archbishop Thompson noted. “Nearly 20,000 eucharistic-centered young adults, with more than 40 bishops, gathered in faith, devotion and dedication to celebrate their Catholic identity and witness as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

“Given the context of this year’s SEEK conference taking place between the two Synods on Synodality, the theme of co-responsibility readily comes to mind. In a synodal Church, Pope Francis reminds us, all the baptized are co-responsible for proclaiming and carrying out the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. Each and every baptized member, young and old, is called to holiness and mission.”

Evangelization, catechesis and an emphasis on the Eucharist are at the heart of that mission, a theme that was ever-present in the SEEK conference and will also be the focus of the events in Indianapolis this summer.

“Especially keeping in mind the National Eucharistic Revival and upcoming Congress, to be held in Indianapolis this July, the devotion to the Eucharist was certainly evident in the celebration of Mass, eucharistic adoration and sense of missionary spirit among all those participating in SEEK,” the archbishop noted.

“As a bishop, the incredible spirit and witness of so many young adults gathering to celebrate their Catholic faith inspires hope and joy.” †

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