July 28, 2023

Investing with Faith / Kimberly Pohovey

A personal choice: the pros and cons of giving anonymously

Kimberly PohoveySharing our blessings with others brings great joy not only to those we support, but also to us. Still, once we’ve decided to give to those in need, we might find ourselves wondering whether it is better to give publicly or anonymously.

From a Catholic perspective, the answer isn’t as clear as we might think. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus cautions us against doing good to attract the praise of others the way hypocrites do. Instead, he counsels, “When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you” (Mt 6:3-4).

But in the very same teaching, he also tells us, “Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father” (Mt 5:16).

Faithful Catholic donors may wish to keep their generosity private in order to avoid the spotlight and remain humble. Those who do, trust that God knows their hearts—and their gifts. On the other hand, however, those who give in more public ways may inspire others to join them in generously sharing what they have. They may also want to draw attention to a particular charitable endeavor or a favorite cause by openly voicing their support.

But there are other practical things to consider too.

Pros and cons

Like most of the choices we make, there are pros and cons, advantages and drawbacks to both anonymous and public giving.

Reasons donors have for giving anonymously include:

  • Wanting to remain humble before God and others,
  • The need to avoid associating your name with a cause that is controversial generally, or just among your friends and family members,
  • A desire to avoid receiving an overwhelming number of other requests,
  • A preference for keeping personal facts private,
  • A passion for giving credit to those who provide services, rather than to those who fund them.

Reasons donors have for making a charitable giving known include:

  • The hope that your gift may encourage others to support a cause close to your heart—or theirs,
  • A desire to make others aware of a particular need,
  • A willingness to allow a charity to use your name to gain more support for their organization and mission,
  • An aspiration to set an example of responsible stewardship for your family and/or community,
  • Eagerness to voice confidence in a particular charitable initiative.

The choice is a personal one

Some thought should be given to the decision you make regarding whether your charitable giving should be made public or kept private. The fact that most charitable institutions prefer public giving may influence what you do, but the choice is a very personal one only you can—and should—make.

Choosing how we give is certainly important, but never as important as the choice to give at all.

Giving is always a win-win, especially when it comes to spreading the compassion of Jesus Christ throughout central and southern Indiana.

So, whether you decide that anonymity is the way to go or choose to embrace the call to share your faith as well as your assets, know that you are building God’s kingdom right where you are.

Not sure what’s best for you? The Catholic Community Foundation is happy to help you decide. Contact us at 317-236-1482 or ccf@archindy.org.

(Kimberly Pohovey is the director of major and planned gifts for the archdiocese. Tax or legal information provided herein is not intended as tax or legal advice. Always consult with your legal, tax or financial advisors before implementing any gift plan. For more information on the Catholic Community Foundation, visit www.archindy.org/CCF, e-mail ccf@archindy.org, or call 317-236-1482.)

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