October 2, 2020

My Journey to God

Happy Balloon

I turned off the radio as the news concluded
On my drive home from work.
The scenery became a monochrome blur
As I fretted over the worrisome web of headlines.
Pandemic death tolls, political grandstanding,
Protests, riots, fires, hurricanes, executions—
It seemed an anonymous author had penned
A work of calamity-fiction, and we were living it.
A splash of color penetrated my dark thoughts,
And I shifted my eyes to the roadside.
Above a swath of weeds and dead leaves,
With a dismal concrete wall for a backdrop,
Hovered a yellow, happy-face helium balloon.
So random, so cheery, it chased away
The shadows of my worry-reverie.
“Don’t worry! Be happy!” it seemed to say.
“For you are a child of God—
“You are cherished and infinitely loved!
“Never forget He holds you in His hands.
“Rejoice! Give thanks! And smile!”
I marveled that God should reach from infinity
To send speck-of-nothing me this message,
And my heart lifted like a happy balloon.

By Natalie Hoefer

(Natalie Hoefer is a member of St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis and is a reporter for The Criterion.)

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