March 5, 2010

My Journey to God

Living with Cancer—and Remembering

Remember when you heard the word “cancer,” and it was whispered and accompanied by furrowed brows and sad eyes and you didn’t know why?
Remember when “IV” followed “III” and came before “V”?
Remember when “PET” and “CAT” were furry, purry, faithful friends?
Remember when “scan” was something you did to your Social Studies chapter to find the answers, and when having a “port” meant living where you could watch the boats come in?
Remember when “liver” was mentioned, and you hoped you weren’t having it for dinner, and someone’s “lungs” were a good pair when you were loudly being tattled on, and “brain” meant only how smart you were?
Remember when “bones” were something you saved for the neighbor’s dog?
Remember when “stage” meant the place in your living room where you performed with your sister for Mom and Dad, and when having “markers” was a big deal because everyone else was coloring with crayons?
Remember when “wigs” were fun to wear with your Halloween costume?
Remember when prayer was requested in church for the sick, and it wasn’t for you?
But now you found you have strength that you never knew you had.
Now the colors you see and the fragrances you smell are more intense than they ever were.
Now you really have a close relationship with God when you thought you did before.
Now you walk hand in hand with God, and sometimes He has to carry you because you can’t walk anymore, but that’s OK because that way you are closer to His Heart.
And now you know that the only true peace comes from living in the Will of God.

By Marsha Kane

(Marsha Kane is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington.)

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