June 13, 2008

Letters to the Editor

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No letters were published this week; here are the letters from three weeks ago:

‘Myths and facts about immigration’ not telling the entire story, reader says

In regard to The Criterion’s ongoing “Myths and facts about immigration” series:

The myth is that the people of whom we are really speaking are immigrants. They are here illegally and have no immigrant status.

The fact is that the Chinese and Indians who come here legally are indeed entrepreneurs and are assets to our society.

The American people have always welcomed immigrants, and I see no change in that. We are a generous, caring people.

And the American people have always been outraged when people break our laws and expect to be welcomed.

I see no change in that either.

- Barbara L. Maness, Vevay

New bioethics column, other features help readers live out Church’s teachings

I just wanted to give you some positive feedback.

The new series of articles by Father Tad Pacholczyk, “Making Sense Out of Bioethics,” is excellent!

I learn a great deal about very complex issues facing the Church and the world in the space of a column.

He is an excellent writer and obviously very well-educated in Church teaching and the science involved in bioethical questions.

I hope the column will continue because I look forward to reading it every week, as I do other columns, such as “Question Corner” by Father John Dietzen, editor emeritus John Fink’s articles on sacred Scripture and the Faith Alive! supplement.

Besides giving us news of the archdiocese—which you do very well—you are at your best when you help us understand and live out the teachings of Christ and his Church.

Thank you.

- Mike Haigerty, Indianapolis

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