December 1, 2006

Letters to the Editor

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There were no letters published this week, so here is last week's letter:

Catholic Church should be focused on all life issues

In the front page article “All Eyes on Roberts Court …” in the Nov. 10 issue of The Criterion, I was disturbed that, as a Church, our eyes do not seem to be focused uniformly on life issues.

Yes, the new court will weigh abortion cases; however, they will also weigh such cases as capital punishment, end-of-life choices and human rights as well as other moral issues.

I would hope, as a Church, we are as concerned about how Justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito as well as the other justices will rule on these important cases.

As Catholics, we are called to be concerned about all life issues and should not put one above the other if we sincerely believe all life has value in the eyes of God.

-Rodney Dick, Indianapolis

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