August 12, 2022


A culture of life in Indiana is strengthened in new legislation

For close to 50 years, dating back to Jan. 22, 1973, our faith has implored us to storm the heavens with prayers to put an end to Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand across the United States on that tragic day. 

Nearly five decades later, the U.S. Supreme Court on June 24 overturned the Roe decision, stating that there was no constitutional right to abortion. That historic move came in the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which ruled that the Constitution allows states to regulate abortion. 

Six weeks later, the Indiana General Assembly during a special session passed comprehensive legislation, Senate Enrolled Act 1—quickly signed into law by Gov. Eric Holcomb—that extended legal protection to most unborn babies in the state. The new law will make abortion illegal in Indiana in most cases. It goes into effect on Sept. 15, barring any legal challenges. We thank the legislators and the governor for taking action to defend the dignity of every person and promote the common good.

The new law eliminates abortion centers in the state, requires abortions only be done in hospitals or ambulatory surgical centers owned by hospitals, and restricts abortion only to cases of rape, incest, where the life of the mother is in danger, or fatal fetal anomaly. (Related story: Historic session advances cause of protecting life, provides economic relief for families)

We believe the non-stop prayers offered throughout our state—by people of every race and creed—were paramount as many through the years embraced the call to be voices for the voiceless, including outside abortion centers.

Many of us are familiar with the proverb “God does not choose the equipped, he equips those he chooses.” And our Creator equipped a plethora of his people in the mission of building a culture of life. On blistering hot, summer days and through bone-chilling wintry temperatures, sidewalk counselors and other faithful stood outside abortion centers around the state, praying for pregnant mothers considering abortion and, in love, offering them help to choose life for their unborn babies.

While there were only a few weeks between the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe and the start of the General Assembly’s special session that began on July 25 in Indianapolis, many heeded the advice offered by Indiana Catholic Conference executive director Angela Espada, who encouraged Catholics to do three things: “Advocate, advocate, advocate.” 

A rally in an atrium of the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis on July 26 showed many took Espada’s words to heart: the “Love Them Both” rally sponsored by Indiana Right to Life drew a sea of 1,200 pro-life Hoosiers clad in blue, standing in solidarity with unborn children and their pregnant mothers. 

Lisa Everett, who ministers as the director for marriage and family ministry in the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese, was glad to stand alongside so many faith-filled pro-life advocates at the rally. 

“We know that every life is created in God’s image and likeness,” she said. “That gives us even more motivation to stand up and protect those lives, and the life and dignity of women. We want our laws to offer robust support for women in crisis pregnancies.” 

While much of the media attention focused on the outlawing of abortion, another piece of legislation signed into law by the governor offers more hope in the pro-life movement. Legislators designated $45 million to create the Hoosier Families First Fund, which aims to support pregnant women, postpartum mothers, babies and families. Lawmakers also are providing grant money for natural family planning education and increased the tax exemption to $3,000 for those who are adopting, to name a few of the highlights in Senate Enrolled Act 2. 

While we offer heartfelt prayers of thanksgiving for the dawning of a new day in the pro-life movement, our work is not finished.  

As we’ve stated in the past, supporting pregnant and parenting mothers and their born and pre-born children has been a priority for our Church for decades and will continue to be one. In the archdiocese, programs like Birthline, Gabriel Project, Catholic Charities and pregnancy care centers are among the organizations that offer resources. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Walking with Moms in Need initiative ( offers resources, prayers, reflections and ideas for use on a personal and parish level. 

As we continue our commitment to pro-life initiatives, these ministries need our prayers and support more than ever. For a developing list in English and Spanish of programs available in central and southern Indiana to help pregnant and parenting moms in need, go to

We pray we do all we can to build on this generational moment. Please Lord, may it be so.

—Mike Krokos  

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