March 8, 2024

My Journey to God

Nail It to the Cross

I want more money and possessions.
I want more fame and power.
I want more soda pop and gum and popcorn.
I want but I also worry.
I worry about my looks and my weight and my age.
I worry about my relationship status.
I worry about my position in my community.
I worry about my test results from school.
I worry about my tests results from the doctor.
There’s no room for you in my life.
It’s full of I want, I worry, I.
What if I nailed I to the cross?
I’d have room for you then.
I’d have room for Jesus then.
I could do for you then.
I could do for Jesus then.
And y’know, I think all three of us would be happier.

By Sonny Shanks

(Sonny Shanks is a member of St. Joseph Parish in Corydon.)

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