March 10, 2023

My Journey to God

Opening Life’s Doors

Do we open life’s doors with real compassion?
Or to satisfy every whim that we can imagine?
One door is for love and the other one for hate
The one that we select will determine our fate
One door is for caring the other is indifference
The one we choose will make all the difference
One door is for charity and one door for greed
The one that we choose determines our deeds
One door is for peace and the other is for war
Which one of these two doors will we opt for?
One door is forgiveness, the other is to blame
Choose one for mercy or the other for shame
Choose the doors wisely because they will tell
If we open up heaven or the pathway to hell

By John DeSantis

(John DeSantis is a member of St. Pius X Parish in Indianapolis.)

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