May 19, 2023

Catholic schools: Education for life and eternity

By Brian Disney

Graphic showing Choice Scholarship Program Income Limits by Household SizeThe 2023 Indiana state legislature passed the biennial budget and several bills that demonstrated their commitment to parental rights and responsibilities to choose the best education for their children.

By eliminating barriers and increasing income eligibility for the Indiana Choice Scholarships (vouchers), more Hoosier Catholic families can use a portion of their Indiana tax dollars to send their children and grandchildren to Catholic schools for the 2023-24 school year.

Our Catholic schools provide an excellent education for life and for eternity by implementing the nine defining characteristics of Catholic schools as taught by the Holy See and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. I invite all Hoosier Catholic families with children and grandchildren in preschool through 12th grade to prayerfully discern if a Catholic school education is best for their child.

The 2023 Indiana state legislature simplified and expanded the Indiana Choice Scholarship program. There are now only three requirements for families to access Choice Scholarships for their children in kindergarten through 12th grade.

  1. The student is an Indiana resident.
  2. The student is at least 5 years old as of Oct. 1.
  3. The student is a member of a household that meets the annual income eligibility criteria.

Even though these changes do not take effect until June 29, families should begin working with schools now to complete the Choice Scholarship applications.

In addition to the changes to the Choice Scholarship program for students in K-12, the state legislature made changes to the Scholarship-Granting Organizations program (SGO) allowing schools to use SGO scholarships for their preschool students. Details of this expansion are forthcoming. A School Scholarship Tax Credit (50%) is available for individuals or corporations who donate to SGOs.

Catholic schools are the best choice for many families due to their excellence and affordability. Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, in Indiana and across the country are performing exceptionally in academics, performing arts, athletics and other extracurricular activities. These successes are evidence that our Catholic schools prepare our students for college, career and full participation in American society.

More importantly, our Catholic school students participate in daily prayer, regular school Masses, special prayer activities, religion classes and service-learning opportunities. These activities prepare our students for eternal life in heaven.

The achievements of our Catholic schools is directly related to the nine defining characteristics of Catholic schools. These characteristics guide our schools in their everyday work of educating and forming children for life and for eternity. The characteristics are:

  • Centered in the person of Jesus Christ: Catholic school education fosters personal relationships with Jesus Christ and a communal witness to the Gospel message of love of God and neighbor.
  • Contributes to the evangelizing mission of the Church: As a Church ministry where faith, culture and life are brought into harmony, Catholic schools participate in the local archbishop’s evangelization ministry.
  • Distinguished by excellence: A Catholic school is characterized by excellence in every aspect of its programs, life and activities.
  • Committed to educate the whole child: Catholic schools are rooted in the principle that human beings have an eternal destiny. Therefore, Catholic schools develop the full human potential of students by forming them spiritually, intellectually, physically, morally, emotionally and socially.
  • Steeped in a Catholic worldview: A Catholic school, through its curriculum and instruction, fosters students’ growth as seekers of wisdom and truth, self-motivated learners, ethical and moral decision-makers and transformers of the world with Gospel values.
  • Sustained by Gospel witness: Catholic schools recruit educators who are practicing Catholics, understand and accept the teachings of the Church and demands of the Gospel and contribute to the school’s Catholic identity, including participation in social justice and evangelization.
  • Shaped by communion and community: Catholic schools emphasize that the school is a community of learners and a community of faith. Catholic schools promote trust, collaboration and partnership between educators and parents (the primary teachers) in the formation of their children.
  • Accessible to all students: Catholic schools strive to provide education to all people who desire a Catholic school education for their children. Catholic schools strive to provide programs and assistance to meet the needs of all children.
  • Established by the express authority of the bishop: Archbishop Charles C. Thompson, in communion with the pastors, supports and enhances the work of Catholic schools and ensures that Catholic schools are educating students for life and eternity.

Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis educate and form our students for life and for eternity. Thanks to the 2023 Indiana legislative session, our Catholic schools are more affordable for most Hoosier families. Please contact your local Catholic school or the archdiocese’s Office of Catholic Schools at 317-236-1430 if you have more questions. God bless our Catholic school students, families, educators and supporters!

(Brian Disney is the archdiocesan superintendent of Catholic Schools.)

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