May 19, 2017

Meet our future deacons

Reynaldo Nava

Reynaldo NavaAge: 50
Wife: Lorena
Home Parish: Our Lady of the Greenwood Parish, Greenwood
Occupation: Target Distribution Center employee, Spanish Religious Education Coordinator at Our Lady of the Greenwood Parish

Who are the important role models in your life of faith?

St. Francis of Assisi is a role model for me in my faith because he was very humble, even though he was the son of a great merchant who had a lot of money at that point in time.

What are your favorite Scripture verses, saints, prayers and devotions?

One of my favorite Scripture passages is Jn 1:1-14. My favorite saint is St. Francis of Assisi. My favorite prayer is the Liturgy of the Hours. And my favorite devotion is the holy rosary.

Why do you feel that God is calling you to become a deacon?

So that I can serve him. One of the reasons is so that I can proclaim the Gospel, and help in the liturgy and help those most in need. Another reason is so that I can keep building up God’s kingdom here on Earth.

How will being ordained a deacon have an impact on your life and family?

I don’t believe that there will be much change in my life because I am already an active person in the Church. There would only be change within my responsibilities of my service to others. The one thing I am sure of is that I am willing to serve in whatever is needed within the community.

How do you hope to serve through your life and ministry as a deacon?

My greatest desire and hope is to be able to perform in the four ministries delegated to me: the ministry of charity, the ministry of the word, the ministry of the liturgy and the ministry of salvation. †

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